Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pittsburgh, PA

Pittsburgh turned out to be a really great city - so much so that I almost forgave her for being home to the Steelers...almost. We walked what felt like a marathon in Pittsburgh but what actually clocks in at around 12 miles according to Dave's pedometer. My feet and legs definitely tell the tale this morning.

In the end, we chose the West End Bridge for our dusk shots. I was a little concerned about shooting 30 second exposures from a bridge - has never worked for me in the past - but we set up near a pillar and the bridge was quite sturdy and my pictures came out sharp.

The biggest challenge was several tug boats who seemed to think it appropriate to repeatedly make trips through the middle of my shot. I understand that it is their job but I definitely think they should have spotted me off in the distance on the bridge and made the decision to call it quits for the day so as to not ruin any of my shots. But since they didn't see it that way, I had to do my best to shoot around them. I ended up with two shots that I can't decide between. They both need some work but here is any early look:

I broke away from Dave and Shelley this morning to take some shots closer in to the city. I haven't had a chance to really look at them so you will have to wait on your first look.
I am off here in a moment to head down to the Flats in Cleveland. Dave and Shelley have already set out for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. We are going to be shooting from completely different sides of the city. The weather looks good so hopefully we will both nail some good shots tonight!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I love both Pittsburgh pictures! One looks like a "golden city" and the other dark and romantic. I hope you're getting some really good stuff tonight in Cleveland, too! I'm glad you got to call this afternoon - made my day! Stay safe - sorry your cold is still following you around. Love to you, Shelley and Dave.

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