Thursday, September 27, 2012

Am, Izzy & Seth - Day 6 Update

Sorry it has been so long since the last update.  I have sat down two days in a row to write this but both times ended up distracted and never managed to get it completed.  A lot has transpired since the last update but it feels like a blur.

Am was released from the hospital Tuesday and is doing well.  She feels good and is able to manage the pain pretty well with the Motrin.  She still has a lot of fluid hanging out in her body but we are slowly watching it drain away.  We walked what had to have been close to a mile to lunch yesterday which is great for being just 5 days removed from the C-Section.

Izzy is doing fantastic and is progressing really well.  She came off the respirator on Sunday and is now breathing just room air with no respiratory struggles.  She moved from getting all of her nutrition by IV to getting part by IV and part orally (breast feeding or bottle) to now receiving 100% of her nutrition orally.  Unfortunately today she just wasn't taking as much milk as she needs to meet her chaloric intake so they did have to put in a feeding tube (like Seth has had).  She did pick up the breast feeding instantly and also does great with the bottle.  Izzy was on a bilirubin blanket all day Tuesday to help stave away jaundice.  Her levels did drop but they look like they are back up a bit so we will likely have her back on the blanket tomorrow.  You can see a picture below of her chilling on the blanket (along with her stylish goggles).  When we came into the room this morning we found that Izzy had been moved from the incubator to a crib!  This was an awesome surprise as it means Izzy is another giant step closer to being ready to go home (plus it makes it a lot easier to kiss her on the forehead whenever I want!).

Seth is also doing really well and is progressing along just slightly behind his sister (I like to think he is being a gentleman).  Izzy came off the respirator on Tuesday and has been donig a great job of self regulating his breathing.  He is still on the IV but was able to move to taking some nutrition in orally (in addition to a feeding tube like Izzy).  He too picked up breast feeding really quickly and has done a good job with the bottle.  Seth has struggled a little with digesting all of his food but he seems to be getting better and better.  Seth was on the bilirubin blanket the same time Izzy was and was able to come off at the same time.  He actually seems to be doing better in this area than his sister and he may be able to avoid going back on the blanket.  Seth is still in the incubator but the temperature has been turned way down and he should be out in a crib in the next 24 hours.  Both kids seem to be happy babies thus far and they love to snuggle.  We are having an absolute blast with them.  No word yet on when they will be able to come home we are hopeful that it will be in the next two weeks.  Thanks again to all of you for your thoughts and prayers!

(Here's Am holding Seth for the first time.)

(Here is Izzy striking a pose on her bilirubin blanket.)

(Seth looking quite happy in mommy's arms.)
(Izzy holding Am's finger and refusing to let go.  She is a sweetheart!)

(And here is our beautiful Izzy with the respirator tubes out and before they put the feeding tube in.  She is precious!)

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