Monday, September 10, 2012

One Year Anniversary

One year ago today I had the privilege or marrying my best friend.  Sometimes it feels like just yesterday that we were returning from our honeymoon.  But then I sit back and think of all that has taken place since our wedding and it feels like we have been married for ages.  One thing is for certain though, this year has been the very best of my life.  There is no doubt in my mind that Annmarie is my soul mate.  She completes me (corny but true).

The really crazy part is that two years ago today, Am and I hadn't even met.  We went from strangers to dating in three months, dating to engaged in four more months, engaged to married in five more months, married to parents-to-be in another five months, and now are just weeks away from seeing our twins enter this world.  It has been an amazing journey and I can't fathom having done it with anyone but Am.  I can't wait to see what God has for us this next year and in the years to come!

Just for fun, here are some pictures from the journey:

The first time Am and I had some time alone to talk was when she volunteered to be on my work team for the Kidney Walk.  We stuck around after the walk for a BBQ festival and chatted for a couple hours.  This was when I first began to think that this could go somewhere!

Unfortunately we fast forward significantly here as we did not take any pictures in the early days when we started dating.  This picture is from the 1 1/2 month mark.  We spent countless hours walking together and just getting to know one another.  My phone shows that this walk was 8.5 miles...and we still had to walk home!

Am sacrificed and has been cheering for VCU...unless they are playing JMU.  This game was the semi-finals of the CAA tournament.  Winning this game was what tipped the scale that got VCU into the NCAA Tournament where they eventually made it to the Final Four.

Am and I discovered that we shared a love for nature.  This was a hike up to Humpback Rocks off Blue Ridge Parkway.

We celebrated Am's birthday three times in March - three months into dating.  As you can see, my mom was already thinking long term as she bought Am "Love and Respect" for her birthday.

Here is birthday celebration #2 at Joe's Inn with Am's brothers.

And then I took Am to Melting Pot to celebrate.  This was the first time that I told Am I loved her.  She cried which told me everything I needed to know.  I started to think about proposing right around this time.

I showed Am off to my coworkers at the Junior Achievement Bowl-a-thon.  Here we are with Libby and Doug - our awesome team.  As you can see from the score, I am not the bowler of the group.  I came in last with a 50 pin difference between me and 3rd.  Josh - 87 / Am - 142.  Glad she didn't dump me after that poor showing.

Am and I went to Winter Jam and rocked it out with a bunch of Christian bands.

To really show my devotion, I took Am to a ballet so she could see a friend perform.  Yep, definitely earned some points for this one.

And then the day came for us to take our relationship to the next level.  I made an album that chronicled our time together and told our story and gave it to her as a gift at Melting Pot.  Midway through the album there was a picture of me down on one knee with the ring.  I broke out the ring and she said yes.  This was a great day.

At the 6 month mark Am and I headed to India for a missions trip together.  It was a great experience of us serving God together.  And we made some awesome friends seen here in this picture.

Am and I went up to PA to hang out with my brother Dave and sister-in-law Shelley.  Both are awesome photographers and they took some engagement pictures for us.  This was one of my favorites.

And then the big day came and Am and I tied the knot.  Isn't she breathtaking?!?!?!

Am and I headed to Ireland for our honeymoon.  Two weeks of adventure in one of the most beautiful areas of the world.

Am and received tickets to a Trans Siberian Orchestra concert from mom for Christmas.  We had a blast hanging out with Dave and Shelley and watching a great concert.

In February we found out that we were going to have a baby.  But in May we got the big news that we were having twins!

In May Am and I headed to Myrtle Beach for a fantastic vacation.  We had an awesome view of the ocean from our condo.  It was a great vacation!

Next up was a trip to Las Vegas.  It was actually a work trip for me but Am joined me for the weekend and saw the sites.

We have watched Am's belly expand as our babies continue to grow and prepare to enter this world.  This is Am at 21 weeks, 25 weeks and 31 weeks pregnant.

With two kids on the way, we decided it was time to buy a house.  We found a great one in Caroline County that gave us the space we needed for a very good price.

And there we have it - a quick look at our adventure to date.  It has been a great ride!!!  Thanks to all for your love and support over the past two years.  

A special thanks goes out to the Breens who entrusted me with their great treasure.  I stand by my commitment to spend every day trying to protect Am and make her happy.

And to Am:  you are the love of my life and my dearest friend.  Every day with you is precious and I count myself the most blessed man alive.  Thank you for making my life complete!

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