Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Update on Am - Preeclampsia

As many of you have heard, we have moved to the next phase of Am's pregnancy.  Am had been fighting a persistent headache for three straight days which prompted her to check her blood pressure (that would be the nurse in her).  Am's blood pressure is always perfect so it was alarming when she found that her BP had spiked significantly.  She wisely called Labor & Delivery at MCV and they instructed her to come in immediately.  I met her at the hospital and they proceeded to do some tests.

They quickly determined that Am likely had preeclampsia.  Three of the main symptoms for preeclampsia are high blood pressure (check), bad headache (check) and an increase in swelling in your hands and feet (check).  They did a quick test and found protein in her urine which is another sign of preeclampsia.  That led to a 24-hour urine test that was the final confirmation and Am was officially diagnosed.

So what does preeclampsia mean for our pregnancy?  Well, the only way to get rid of preeclampsia is to deliver the babies.  We are at 34 weeks and 2 days which is past the point when the babies' lungs are considered mature enough to be completely ready for life on the outside.  But every day that can go by with them still on the inside gets them a little more developed and equipped.

Right now Am is only mildly preeclamptic so the risk level is not very high.  So the docs have decided to monitor Am and the babies very closely but to try to make it to as close to 36 weeks as possible.  So Am has been admitted to MCV and will be staying here for the remainder of the pregnancy.  They will check her blood pressure every 4 hours and will periodically check the babies' heart rates.  If either indicate the risk level has increased, they will move forward with the delivery.

As of yesterday the babies were still not cooperating in terms of position as both are still positioned with their heads to the side.  While it is really cute that they have been side by side with their heads together through the whole pregnancy, they seem determined to make Am deliver by c-section.

So we are now playing the waiting game.  I am doing my best to work each day but always have my phone by my side and I find that I jump up every time it rings.  People are commenting how odd it is that I answer on the first ring.  Am is continuing to be a trooper and her spirits have remained relatively high.  Obviously we both have some anxiety but we are trying to put our worries behind us and leave everything completely in God's capable hands.  Thank you for your continued prayers!  I will do my best to keep you updated as we progress.  Regardless, it won't be long before we will be introducing you to our son and daughter!!!  We love you all!

Josh & Am

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