Thursday, September 20, 2012

It's Almost Go Time!

We just learned that the doctors' plan is to go ahead with the C-Section tomorrow afternoon (not sure what time yet).  Am's liver enzymes are on the rise so the docs decided not to wait until next week.  So at this time tomorrow we will hopefully be posting pictures of our precious babies!  Thanks in advance for all of your prayers tonight and tomorrow!

Am went yesterday for an ultrasound so they could determine the babies' current weight.  They found that our girl is up to 4 pounds 6 ounces but our boy is lagging quite a bit behind at 3 pounds 15 ounces.  The ultrasound machine at the hospital allows you to get 3D ultrasound shots and Am got a cool one of our boy.  Unfortunately our girl was very shy yet again and was hiding her face with her hands.  But here is one last ultrasound shot of our boy before you get to see pictures of them on the outside!

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