Sunday, October 21, 2012

One Month Old!

Today marks the twins one month birthday and the ten day mark from when they came home.  For me, it is hard to believe that it has been that long.  But then again, I have been working long hours and have not really been home a ton over that ten day span.  For Am, it feels like it has been longer than ten days as she is the one who is with them around the clock (along with Mom-Mom Breen).  It is amazing how fast time does go by though.  Only twelve months make up that first year of life and one of those months has already past.  It really drives home the importance of being present and not missing any more moments than you have to.

Izzy and Seth have now been to the Pediatrician twice and both times were deemed to be completely healthy.  Seth is now up to 4 lbs 15 oz (1 lb 1 oz over his birth weight) and Izzy is now up to 4 lbs 9 oz (14 oz over her birth weight).  Izzy met her growth goal for the past week (1/2 to a full oz of weight gain per day) and Seth exceeded his.

Right now the majority of Izzy and Seth's day is made up of sleeping and eating.  We are currently feeding every three hours and, for the most part, the twins know exactly when some more food is due and don't wake up until slightly before feeding time.  They are in good spirits most of the time but we have experienced a few hysterical crying fits over the past few days (primarily when one of them didn't quite get enough to eat and we told them they were done).  Yes, we have now joined the ranks of parents who have experienced the absolute despair that comes from holding a screaming baby and not having a clue what to do to resolve the crisis.  Fortunately Am is the amazing mother that we all knew she would be and she has the patience and wisdom to make it through those moments (and some coaching from Momma Breen certainly helps).

We haven't done a very good job of keeping up with pictures but that will change as of today.  In the move to our new house, I managed to misplace my point and shoot camera which was the easy way to snag quick pictures and video.  Am's smaller DSLR is on loan (and it wouldn't be ideal anyway) which leaves us with my monster of a DSLR.  With me not here a ton, that means not a lot of picture taking is going on!  When I attended "Daddy Boot Camp" prior to the twins birth, they told me of a ritual called a "Push Present".  Am and I had never heard of it but apparently it is customary for a new dad to buy his wife a present as a thank you for going through the rigors of pregnancy and delivery.  I seized the opportunity and bought Am a new camera today that takes great pictures and video.  So stay tuned for more pictures!

(Izzy and Seth love their swing)

(And did we mention that they love to sleep and eat?)

(And while the twins haven't really gotten out and about much, they have made some trips out to the front yard for some sunshine and fresh air!)

Thank you for your continued prayers!!!

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