Sunday, December 9, 2012

Izzy & Seth at 2.5 Months

It has now been over a month since my last blog update.  It is amazing how easy it is to get out of the habit.  And once you miss a couple weeks, there is so much to update that it is easy to just continue to put it off longer and longer.

The kiddos have continued to grow well and now weigh in at over 10 pounds for Seth and over 8 pounds for Izzy.  Just in the past two weeks they have both hit the point where they smile and laugh often.  While it can be extremely stressful taking care of twins 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (and here I am talking about Am and Momma Breen as they are taking the brunt of it - I get work breaks and don't take as many night feedings), it is rewarding to see that we have two happy babies...most of the time.

We set out this weekend to take some Christmas pictures of the twinsies.  The plan was to put them both under the tree in their Christmas outfits.  Challenge #1 was finding a time when they were both awake and fed.  We finally accomplished that this evening.  Challenge #2 was getting them both under the tree while still smiling and happy (they don't particularly love being put down).  In that we were definitely not successful.  We got Seth under the tree without incident but when Izzy joined, she wailed...which made Seth wail.  We never recovered.

Fortunately we did get some trial shots of Izzy sporting some cool hats and we have some shots of Seth under the tree while waiting for Iz.  So operating under the belief that something is better than nothing, here you go:

Seth says "Merry Christmas everyone!"

Little Man posing in front of the Christmas Tree.

Our Christmas Angel.

Iz in her reindeer hat.

Little Miss Sunshine.

 Seth is in place waiting on Izzy.  So close...and yet so far away!

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