Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cincinnati, OH

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day! It rained and rained and rained while we were in Cincinnati. It was nasty last night and this morning but those were the only chances we had so we did tried to make the best of it.

See if you can picture this. Me standing on the side of the Ohio River in the pouring rain as the water level is getting closer and closer to to covering my feet and the legs of my tripod. Boats going by are causing wakes that are splashing over my feet while I frantically hold on to my tripod in hope that my camera won't float away. My left hand holding an umbrella over my camera so it doesn't get wet while my right tries to get the positioning of the camera right and the settings modified. To an onlooker, this probably looked pretty ridiculous. But when you only get one shot at shooting a city, you do what you have to do.

As you would probably guess, the pictures didn't turn out as well as I would have liked. My favorite of the bunch was fromt this morning when the rain slowed down a bit.

And I did get one with lightning flashing behind the city but it isn't sharp (think of how your visibility drops in the rain).

We are now sitting in our hotel in Columbus, Ohio facing yet another rainy day. Maybe we will catch a break and it will slow up for us - if not, I'll be out there with my umbrella in one hand fumbling through another shoot.

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