Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Israel - Day 5 - Part II

Day 5 was less a picture day and more an experience day. We hiked very quickly through the city so there wasn't a lot of time to stop and capture images. Here's a brief recap of what we saw (in reverse order because I uploaded the pictures wrong and don't have time to reupload).

The last stop was the garden tomb where we believe Jesus was buried. There are two locations that Christians believe are possibilities but this one is more believable. Regardless, it was an incredible experience. Our guide through the garden is pictured in the second picture below and the actual tomb is directly below.

The following two images are from Basilique Sainte Anne inside the Old City portion of Jerusalem. The church there has amazing acoustics so we had to sing a little (it was pretty awesome) and you can see my Uncle John standing up front speaking. The second picture shows what remains of the Pools of Bethesda. This is one of the few spots from Biblical times in Jerusalem where we are actually positive that we have the right spot.

Below is how we started our day. We are standing on the Mount of Olives and Uncle John and Hannah (our tour guide) are pointing out what we can see and reminding us of the significance. This is where I shot the panorama in the Part I post below.
Joe Shulam talked to the group last night for an hour and a half and then joined us for dinner to close out the evening.

Today we return to the Old City and will view the Wailing Wall and Western Wall and will head from there to the Valley of Elah where David fought Goliath. Should be another exciting day. One of the pictures I want is of the Wailing Wall but it is a tough shot to get because you are not supposed to shoot the people there. Should be a challenge.

Pappy Update - Pappy is still doing well. He was very wise yesterday and elected to return to the hotel instead of hiking through Jerusalem with us. We were sad that he could not join us (especially at the garden tomb) but greatful that he took some time to rest and didn't try to do too much. He is in good spirits and is enjoying himself.


Dave said...

You can totally shoot people at the Western Wall. I do it ALL the time. The only thing is you ought to be respectful of folks who may be in midst of intense prayer - so try to avoid getting right up in their faces and snapping away like a crazy person. This is why God created zoom lenses :) . If you're staying in Jerusalem overnight, try to go back at like 2-3 am. The color reflected off the limestone is great and the serenity is inspiring.

Brian said...

I was really pleased to read that the group sang in St.Anne's Basilicia. I was with Buck and Sally on their previous trip and got what I imagined was a glimpse of heaven and the choir of angels when a few of us sang there. Mentioned to Buck a few weeks ago that it was something the group should try to do.

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