Saturday, May 16, 2009

Israel - Day 7 - Addendum for Dave

Ok Dave, you wanted a picture of me on a ill tempered camel in the desert with nomadic headgear - here you go. I bought the "authentic" headgear from a bedouin who was wearing the exact same thing and he even tied it for me so I think it is as close as I am going to get. I got up on the camel with my camera equipment and instantly regretted it. Camels are highly unstable!!!! I thought for sure I was going to come tumbling down (hence the very serious look on my face). Anyway, your souvenir has been delivered!


ginaroth said...

OH! That's the best! It may have just been for Dave's benefit, but I'm sure we all get big smiles from this one! Glad you obviously lived to tell the tale. Love, Gina

ginaroth said...

Camel's smiling though! Highly unstable? Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

Ahh HAHAHAHA! That's GREAT!!! You made my day. I love that! I'm getting that framed! Now if I can just get you wear that headgear to work for your next big meeting.

Sounds like a fantastic trip so far. Everything is going fine here in VA. I hope you have a great time this next week and look forward to hearing all of your stories!


Josh said...

Yes, yes, I am sure that will bring smiles to people's faces. Actually, it was a lot of fun. The only problem was that the ride was REALLY short so poor mom had to literally run while trying to take pictures. People kept stepping into the picture so she was only able to get a couple that were just me and my camel. Definitely a cool experience!

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