Sunday, May 13, 2012

Myrtle Beach Days 4 - 7

So my first post covered one day, my second post covered two days and now this post is going to cover four days.  While 90% of this is due to laziness on my part, the other 10% is because each day looked an awful lot like the day before.  So here is a brief summary of how the rest of our week went.

We spent our days going for walks and simply lying out on the beach.  I listened to almost an entire Tom Clancy book on tape while gazing out at the ocean.  Am read a book borrowed from the condo.  We ended up with some beautiful sunny days in the latter half of the week and soaked in every minute of them.  Here we are enjoying the beach:

(Notice that I am in the shade...I was banished here after not wearing sun screen the first day)

We had some great meals with Am's parents and uncle and aunt at the Marriott resort that they were staying.  The hotel had some outdoor infra-red grills that Am's dad used to grill burgers one night and a pork loin another night.  They were mouth watering delicious!!!  Here are the burgers:

After long days lying in the sun, we relaxed by (or in) the Marriott pools and hot tub (yes, Am stayed out of the hot tub...didn't want to cook the baby).  Below is a view from the balcony of the Marriott room:

Evenings were generally spent watching movies in the room before Am and I would head back to our condo for the night.  These were some late nights but fortunately I am a morning person so I was still able to catch the sunrise each day (or I guess this could be viewed as unfortunate from the standpoint of my lack of sleep).  I was frustrated throughout the week with mornings with either too many clouds for the sun to shine through or no clouds for the sun to light up.  Finally my great sunrise arrived our last morning.  The very top picture is one of the resulting images and the below is from after the sun came up.  The deep orange was unbelievable.

The Marriott crew had to check out Friday morning so we finally had some company in our condo for Friday evening and Saturday morning.  We had a final dinner out at Carolina Roadhouse and then walked around the massive Broadway at the Beach complex before hitting the sack.

Unfortunately our week came to an end and we had to head back to reality.  Fortunately for Am and me, we have a short week before heading to Vegas this upcoming weekend!  We captured some final images of the crew out on the balcony of our amazing condo.

Our final task was to pack up the cars before the journey home.  Am's dad had borrowed a Suburban from work which should have provided more than enough space for a one week vacation for just four people (Am and I drove separate), however, you can see that they used up every last inch of the space.  Fortunately Pappa Breen is a master car packer!

Thus closed our 2012 Myrtle Beach vacation.  We shall return (and next time with a kiddo in tow).

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