Saturday, July 21, 2012

3D Ultrasound - 26 Weeks

Am and I went back and forth on whether or not it would be worth the money to get a 3D ultrasound done.  The 2D ultrasounds that you get at the doctor are very cool but you can actually see features in the 3D ultrasounds and you can get a DVD and electronic versions of the pictures to share.  We originally decided against it as we didn't feel it would be worth the money.  But then came the constant kicking and moving that Am feels pretty much all day and night.  We decided that would be really cool to see!  We guessed doing it at 26 weeks would be good from the standpoint that the babies still have room to move but bad from the standpoint that they don't have much meat on their bones yet.  We decided the movement was more important to us so 26 weeks it was.

So we did some research online and decided to use Inner Child Imaging in Innsbrook.  We showed up for our appointment this morning and were met by Dave Onesti.  Dave was absolutely fantastic but our babies decided not to cooperate, especially our baby girl.  The babies are literally lying right up against each other which limited the angles available for viewing their faces.  That said, we loved being able to see all of the movement and to realize how close they are to each other.  Their heads are side by side and their legs and arms seemed to be all over each other.  This constant contact probably explains why they are awake and moving so often.  It was also nice to count fingers and toes and to see that both babies appeared to be doing well.

Many of you have already stated that you find 3D ultrasound pictures creepy.  Sorry.  We received around 50 of them but many are hard to make out so I am limiting my post to 3.  Hopefully we will have our video to post online by mid-week but for now the pictures will have to do.

This first one shows a side view of our baby boy's face.  You can see him looking down with one arm in front of his face and his other hand underneath his arm.  Right above his head is the head of his sister.  She was resting her head on her brother's neck for most of the ultrasound.

This next one shows the view looking down on their two heads.  Each of the babies has a hand up by his/her face.  The joke was that they are telling each other secrets.

This final one is just kind of funny.  This is a side profile of our boy and makes it look like he is in a thinking pose.  Our babies will spend the rest of Am's pregnancy fattening up but you can definitely see that they are quite skinny at this point.  One thing we read today that was really cool, though, is that if the babies were to be born this week, they would still have a 95% chance of survival!  Oh, and yep, that is still baby girl's head lying in his neck.

Now we just have to decide if we are going to go back and give it another go in a week or two.  Either way, we will post the video later this week.

1 comment:

Becky Roy said...

So happy for ya'll! AM, hope you're feeling well!!! Are yall living in Richmond?

Miss you and our fun Bible study nights!! xoxo, Becky :)

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