Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pregnancy Pictures - 21 Weeks

I have suffered much harrassment thus far for not posting much in the way of pregancy pictures of Am.  It gets worse when I explain that I have not even taken any pregnancy pictures of Am.  How in the world could a guy who fancies himself a photographer not have pictures of his wife's first pregnancy?  As hard as I have tried to come up with a good response, it has escaped me.  We have committed to take pictures every weekend for the past month but something always comes up that gets in the way.

Until today.  We swung by University of Richmond after our Father's Day lunch (Firehouse Subs, yum!) for a few quick shots.  The lighting was awful as we had the mid-day sun glaring down on us but my hope is that these shots will keep the mob at bay.

We are officially at 21 weeks and 1 day pregnant with 18 weeks and 6 days to go.  With twins on the way, chances are that 18 weeks and 6 days will end up shrinking by a week or two.  Am has officially passed the awkward stage where people are unsure whether she is pregant or sneaking a few too many snacks.  People we don't know are now openly comfortable coming up to ask about the baby(ies).  Am's belly growth has really taken off over the past few weeks.  I am guessing the babies just didn't want to spoil the surprise of twins so they held off until the announcement to really hit their growth spurts.  Unfortunately this belly growth also means more back pain, discomfort and trouble getting out of bed.  But Am is still being a trooper and keeps soldiering on.

Our nurse midwife had to bail on us as twin births are considered higher risk so Am and I are meeting with our new doctor this Tuesday.  We are excited to begin building that relationship and start to get some advice on any nuances of being pregnant with twins.

Am is also now far enough along that she can feel the babies move...a lot...all night long, actually!  This morning I received an amazing Father's Day present as, for the very first time, I was able to feel one of the babies kick - twice!!!  It was an AWESOME experience.

Alright, without further ado, here are the "21 weeks" pregnancy pictures (and I promise not to wait another 21 weeks to post more!):

This one is especially fun as Am and I spent countless hours walking around this pond getting to know each other when we first started dating (hard to believe how short a time ago that was - can you believe that at this time two years ago, we didn't even know each other?).


Pamela said...

She looks adorable & glowing! So excited for you both! Let us know when there are baby showers planned and what stores you pick for registries. Love, Pam Meadows

Becky Roy said...

AM-- you are BEAUTIFUL!!!! Great pictures! I'm so thrilled for you both! Can't wait to meet your precious babies! Lots of love in Christ-- Becky Roy :)

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