Monday, April 30, 2012

Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Am and I joined up with my brother Dave and his wife Shelley on Saturday to attend Trans-Siberian Orchestra's Beethoven's Last Night performance at the Hampton Coliseum.  We drove out to Hampton Saturday afternoon and checked into a great Marriott hotel that was just .4 miles from the Coliseum.  That meant we didn't have to fight traffic to find parking before the concert and then fight traffic trying to get out at 11 PM after the concert - very nice!

After checking in, our stomachs starting calling so we set out in search of food.  Dave found a cool Hibachi place near the hotel.  We had a blast visiting and being entertained by our chef.  And my scallops were absolutely delicious!  I love me some Hibachi!!!

The tickets to the concert were a gift to each of us from our mom for Christmas.  I had been to Trans-Siberian Orchestra's Christmas performance years back and was blown away with the light show and the awesome music.  My expectations were definitely set high for this performance.  Am, Dave and Shelley had never been to a TSO concert.  Our seats were dead center and only 11 rows back so we had a pretty good view...well, with the exception of the large guy in front of me whose head was blocking a pretty large portion fo the stage...

That just meant that my neck got a good workout.  TSO is wicked talented when it comes to music but they are probably best known for the aweome show they put on live.  They use tons of lights, fire and lazers to make the show entertaining and they always try to make it better and better each year.  Last time I saw them, I had my good camera and was able to get fantastic shots.  I have been 0 for 4 the last four times I have attempted to bring my camera to events so I decided to just bring my little point and shoot.  The walk between the hotel and the Coliseum may have only been .4 miles but I was not walking all the way back to my hotel to drop off the camera after being told I could not bring it inside - been down that road too many times!  This will still give you an idea of what the show was like:

We left with everyone's expectations exceeded.  We crashed at the hotel and enjoyed a nice morning of sleeping in.  Dave and Shelley wanted to hit the road early so Am and I took our time and found a Cracker Barrell for breakfast.  You can see Am went fairly healthy with yogurt and a small muffin.  Me...not so much.  I scarfed down four INCREDIBLE slices of french toast!  It was a fantastic trip - thanks mom!

We are back to work this week and then off to Myrtle Beach this upcoming Saturday for a week of down time!  And then on May 18th we are off to Las Vegas (I am going to a conference there so we are making it a little mini vacation - everyone keeps telling us to get them in now because once the baby comes...).  Add in our first ultrasound on May 29th and you can see that we have a busy month ahead of us with lots to blog about so stay tuned!

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