Sunday, November 20, 2011

India - Days 9 & 10

We rushed back from our final day of ministry in Dongaun to head to the airport in Aurangabad for a late flight to Mumbai.  While we did spend the night in Mumbai, it was pretty dark when we drove in so we really didn't get to see much of the city.  We were able to get a few hours of sleep before heading back to the airport for a flight to Bangalore.  We were due to spend day 9 as our fun day in Bangalore.

We spent a good chunk of the day in Bangalore doing souvenier shopping.  Despite a pretty good block of time set aside for it, we found ourselves running from shop to shop frantically trying to find the perfect gifts for friends and relatives.  We ended up camping out in one shop where we monopolized the owner's time for almost an hour.  He saw dollar signs as we tried to find gifts for more and more people.  I saw the opportunity for deep discounts as we were buying large quantities.  While he gave me a pretty hard time about my ripping him off (I do love to bargain), we were both happy in the end. 

From shopping we headed to a local mall for our "fun" activity.  I am not sure how to make this sound the least bit manly so I will just come out with it.  We took Bollywood dancing lessons.  Yep, Bollywood.  I made it through the first half of the class before realizing that I could slip out with the excuse of needing to capture the excitment with my camera.  Fortunately this meant no images of me dancing have surfaced!  Here is Am Bollywood dancing:

We closed out the evening with a dinner where we got to hang out with our American team one last time:

We were able to grab a few more hours of sleep before heading back to the Bangalore Airport to begin our journey back to our homes.  We flew through London once again where we had to say our final good byes to our team.  From there Am and I flew back to Dulles where Am's parents picked us up.  They drove us back to Fredericksburg but then we had to do the final part of the journey alone...and exhausted.  That part was not fun at all but God kept me awake and we made it safe and sound with many stories to be able to share with our families and friends.

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