Tuesday, October 19, 2010

4 Week Update & Question Request

Today marks the 4 week mark since the transplant! 4 weeks was the target point for me to return to work (yes, I returned at 2 weeks) and to be able to return to lifting objects greater than 15 pounds (I have tried to stick to this one).

I am happy to report that I feel wonderful! My energy has returned in full. I had to work full days this weekend so I am on 9 straight full days of work and yet still have fairly normal energy. Can’t beat that! I also rarely ever move in a way that causes discomfort now. The exceptions are if I try to sit up and twist at the same time or if I try to sit up while holding something heavy – both cause a sharp pain in my side.

The scabs and glue are almost completely off my incisions – replaced with nice new skin! I was thrilled today to be able to start carrying my laptop bag into work instead of having to wheel it in and take the elevator (my office is only on the second level – my pride took quite a hit wheeling my little bag into the elevator each day). I guess you could sum all that up by saying that my life has returned to normal.

Thanks again to everyone for your outpouring of love and support! Please do keep Candi in your prayers as she continues her recovery. Hopefully we’ll get an update up on the blog from her soon and I’ll continue to keep you updated on how I am doing.

Question and Answer Request: As you all know, I am writing this blog in part to create a resource for those who are considering donation (and their family and friends). I would like to add a question and answer post to answer all of those burning questions that everyone has about what the process was like (or for Candi – I am sure she will be willing to answer questions as well).

I already have quite a few questions but need more. This is where you come in – what questions do you have (you can post them as a comment to this post, on the Facebook page, or can email me at doxadigitalimaging@yahoo.com)? The more questions you ask – the better this resource will be for others. Once I have a good list, I will add the post. Thanks!

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